Setting the ground for all music festivals of the year, here comes Coachella!

Coachella used to be about music (or more about music) but in the past years it has become more and more about fashion. Outfits, celebrities, beach bodies, they have it all. Just for the sake of it I have isolated some “street style” trends the festival goers displayed. I’m sure you have a favorite which you’ll wear at the next festival you’re attending this summer, but please also remember to enjoy the music and the experience!

So here we have them, in no particular order:

#the farmer/christian missionary – can’t miss him!

#the (semi) nude – can’t miss her either, especially if she has a famous last name

#the punk/rock chick – the same bands t’shirt – jeans combo we all know and love

#the flowery babe – flowy, romantic, ready for a run in the sunflower fields

#the mishmash – things just fell out of the closet

#the ’90s kid – Pepsi t’shirt, hot pants, boots & other variations

#the legs showing model – tiny jeans short, crop tops, biker jacket/kimono & statement bag

#military chic – any description needed?

#indie chick – a trend starting to fade away

Pictures come from Elle and WWD. Enjoy!

Foto: Pinterest, Tumblr