STOP everything you’re doing! You need to take a deep breath and GO SHOPPING! Now, let me explain. In our quest of finding the best holiday gifts option, we stumbled upon our old friends at Benefit. And they’ve made holiday magic! A rather hefty series of tins filled with full size products.
And they’re not just tins, but travel related tins. They are celebrating the HAUL-IDAYS and everything is so smart and funny packaged that I assure you, you’ll have serious issues in picking just one. The trick is you get one for your mom or big sis and puppy eyes will make them give you their box as well. Muahahaha!
Now, speaking about contents, the Holiday tins contain Benefit’s most loved face and brows products, in seriously cool combos. You could actually pick with your eyes closed and they would be good.
Go online or to the nearest Sephora store and pick them out. They’ll be amongst the prettiest gifts under the Christmas tree this year!
Oh and the magician’s hat with full size brow products? Seems like a great centre piece for a girls’ night in!